Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Breaking the Spell (1999)


Anon said...

BREAKING THE SPELL An hour-long look at the 1999 Seattle WTO protests and the anarchists (particularly those from Eugene) who traveled ... all » there to set a new precedent for militant confrontation. Rather than attempting to cover every situation at the WTO, Breaking the Spell has covers a few scenes film in depth. It is filmed in the thick of the action, including footage that aired nationally on 60 Minutes, it captures a moment when world history was up for grabs. Rather than attempting to cover every situation at the WTO, Breaking the Spell has several moving montage sequences combined with a few scenes that cover one or two situations in depth. [63 min.]

Acumensch said...

Some leftist people I know disagreed with this film, or maybe didn't like the style, but I was impressed. The film was a window into someone else's mind, showing what a radical paradigm shift looks like. Exactly how people become radicalized in this way is curious for political activists and well as the state's researchers. For that reason I think this film is very important; only a film made by spell-breakers could give us insight into how it works. The spell-casters don't know anything about how it.