Sunday, October 15, 2006

Support Flag Three Arrestees

09.10.2006 - 00:41 from Olympia Indymedia

On October 5th, 2006, a small contingent of Students for a Democratic Society and anti-capitalists converged at the World Can't Wait rally in Seattle, Washington at Cal Anderson Park. The group planned to attend the rally then leave to hold workshops and skill shares with their peers. While sitting in the park sharing a melon before the rally, a cop on a bike approached the group and seized their red and black anarcho-syndicalist flag. Matthew Hyra of the Seattle Police Departmend began to walk away from the crowd telling the person who had been holding the flag that if he wanted it back he would have to follow him, alone. At that time everyone who was in the area stood up and followed Hyra, demanding to know why he had taken the flag, abridging their right to free speech.

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